Dr Ferina Ismail
Solid organ transplant recipients & website editor
Dr Ferina Ismail is a Consultant Dermatologist at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust where she also leads the Transplant Dermatology service. The Royal Free Hospital is a major renal and liver transplant centre, and Dr Ismail runs a weekly skin surveillance clinic for organ transplant and other immunosuppressed patients with the support of a CNS, including a multidisciplinary joint clinic alongside the renal transplant team.
Ferina undertook her medical training at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, University of London, during which time she also obtained a first class honours BSc degree in genetics. She trained as a dermatologist at Barts and The London, The Royal Free and King’s College Hospitals in London, and during the course of her dermatology training was awarded a prestigious 3 year Medical Research Council clinical fellowship for which she completed a PhD in skin cancer at the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute and Centre for Cutaneous Research, Barts and The London School of Medicine (January 2009).
She has presented her research at national and international skin cancer meetings and has several journal publications arising from her work. Ferina has written the Dermatology in Kidney Disease chapter for Practical Nephrology (Springer), which also includes a section on skin conditions in the renal transplant population. She is a founding board member of BSSCII and has been involved in developing its website.